Category: Healthcare

Is OOH Healthcare Advertising Effective?

A bus wrapped in a healthcare advertising for Aetna.

Now, more than ever, there’s so much to communicate about healthcare plans and medical practices. From open enrollment periods to insurance coverage, new facilities to life-saving procedures, the world of healthcare is changing all of the time. 

Finding opportunities to effectively communicate what could be considered complex information can help build trust the general public, improve the overall patient experience and keep your practice name at top of mind. One way to ensure your message gets across?: Out-of-Home (OOH) Healthcare Advertising.

Is OOH Healthcare Advertising Effective?

While the COVID-19 pandemic made OOH marketing for healthcare seem like a questionable business move, it’s a smart decision to consider now that people are out and about again. Here are a few of the reasons we deem 

1. You Can Reach the General Public

OOH healthcare marketing allows you to speak directly to the general public. 

The really good news is that – more often than not – the general public is receptive to and even looking for trustworthy healthcare information. A study performed by Talon America in partnership with LoopMe examined the role of OOH advertising in healthcare updates. One of their most significant findings:

“66% of respondents are looking to the news, government resources, and PSAs for information on COVID-19 and other healthcare updates.”

With this in mind, giving the general public the information they’re looking for can make you a point of trust and may push them to look out for your name for more trustworthy resources.

2. People Trust OOH Advertising

In a world of digital misinformation, there’s still trust in OOH advertising methods. While it’s easy to post and erase misleading information online, it’s harder to get away with that on a massive billboard. That means when consumers stumble upon your health system marketing collateral, they may be more likely to absorb the information and consider it trustworthy. The aforementioned study found that of the respondents,

“45%…trust healthcare brand messaging when distributed through a combination of OOH, social, and online ads.”

And right now, building and maintaining trust with the general public is critical. 

Read the complete study “OOH Advertising is a Powerful Driver of Healthcare Brand and Business Success.”

3. OOH Advertising Leads to Increased Search

Because we only have a moment to make an impact, back up your OOH marketing health care strategy with a robust online presence. A recent study, ”Standing on the Shoulders of Giants,” conducted by Rapport, indicated a massive increase in search inspired by OOH advertisements:

“Search was the most improved as a result of OOH brand use, increasing by 80%, followed by social media at 56% and online by 31%.”

That precious moment your audience took reading your OOH messaging translated to a digital search! This means your health care marketing efforts are working, putting your name at top of mind for consumers.

The Rise of Healthcare Billboards (+ Why You Should Work with AllOver Media for Health Care Advertising)

Billboards have long been a source of information, and mobile billboards have the advantage of flexibility with messaging and location. We can be strategic about where people will come across your information as we look to maximize results. 

One of the challenges in healthcare billboards is communicating a sometimes complicated message quickly and effectively. Our team knows how to combine captivating copy with storytelling graphics. Then, your reader gets the picture and wants to learn more!

Learn more about AllOver Media’s experience with local, state, and national government agencies.

Spread Messages, Not Germs

If you have an important message to spread, you want to work with an expert team of marketers. Go ahead and take a closer look at our previous work.

If you’re impressed, set up a consultation with our AllOver Media marketing team. Together, we can make a difference in keeping our public healthy and informed.

Healthcare Marketing Gets Local

How can medical service providers get the attention of the communities they serve? One Medical is a premium primary care group that is advancing the medical services industry by their use of technology. The company wanted to create a branding campaign that matched their individualized approach to communication. Their goal was to increase brand awareness with clever creative reminding communities of the potential for coming into contact with germs in their daily lives and the need for access to quality care. One Medical decided on a high-impact healthcare advertising campaign targeting the major metro areas where they provide services including Los Angeles.

A bright orange ad on the side of a building

Hyper-Local Targeting

How could One Medical successfully target popular areas in Los Angeles with their message? They harnessed the power of out-of-home advertising to create hyper-local messaging that was customized for the specific location of each advertisement. Illnesses are often spread in heavily populated areas and popular destinations, but in ways that are unique to each. OOH advertising enhanced One Medical’s ability to be bold and offer relevant messages to the areas they serve.

Wallscape advertising posted alongside a building

Power of OOH Media

The solution was a partnership with AllOver Media. One Medical utilized wallscape inventory positioned in trendy areas in Los Angeles and tailored each message to the individual location. Shoppers near the SLS Hotel and visitors to Sunset Boulevard can feel a direct connection with the uniquely targeted advertising message. Wallscapes are fixed directly to buildings in highly sought-after, high traffic locations. These larger-than-life, high-impact signs cannot be missed by pedestrians and drivers. Check out more info on our wallscapes or contact us to learn more.

Open Enrollment Marketing

State and local agencies along with supporting organizations are pulling together plans for driving Open Enrollment sign-ups this Fall. Starting November 1 through December 15, people can sign up for coverage through health insurance marketplaces. 11 states run their own exchanges, the other 39 use States are working towards lowering the number of uninsured and reducing the overall costs of healthcare.
Image: Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Marketing Open Enrollment

Outreach, PR, and advertising are tactics used by states to drive awareness. States using the federal exchange saw marketing dollars from the federal government cut by 90 percent last year. To fill the gap they are pulling together a mix of state funds and volunteer organizations to continue to reach the uninsured with information about signing up. Groups like Cover Texas Now, a coalition of consumer and faith-based organizations, have formed to pull together volunteers to help.

Marketing budgets vary in states that run their own exchanges. They are independent in planning and executing their strategies. According to Peter Lee, executive director of Covered California, their state plans on spending $111 million on outreach that includes TV, out-of-home, and experiential marketing.

Reaching The Uninsured

It can be challenging to reach uninsured people that are typically underserved. They are not a priority for traditional media. AllOver Media has the ability to reach these markets and deliver messages about healthcare options. We work with state and local governments across the U.S. to help deliver information about health initiatives that get people to take action. Gas station advertising, indoor advertising, and door hangers are efficient and effective ways to reach local populations.

Healthcare Marketing Trends

Getting people to think about their health and take positive action is a challenge in healthcare marketing. According to Managed Healthcare Executive, most people believe they are much healthier than they really are. They describe the “dilemma of ‘health inertia’…getting people to face personal health challenges, adhere to a plan of action, and stay motivated to proactively deal with their health.” Yet most of what we see in messages from healthcare providers focuses on educational-based efforts and overly clinical details about conditions and treatment. In their analysis, providers need to focus on communications that reach people on an emotional level that inspires action.

Healthcare Marketing

Wellness Initiatives

Many providers are focusing efforts on wellness to connect with their community. This includes offering classes on exercise and nutrition. In a recent whitepaper from Smith and Jones, they make the case that healthcare organizations need to take this a step further through more collaboration with organizations and consumers in their markets. People may be more inclined to take steps to improve their health when they see accessible program options that are focused on positives.

Using Social To Drive Engagement

Another growing healthcare marketing option for reaching people is social engagement. Current trends show the value of healthcare companies building their own social communities to interact directly with consumers. Creating stronger relationships improves participation in health initiatives and provides opportunities to more closely monitor current health issues locally. Participants can be motivated by activities like healthy reward programs, community competitions, and gamification.

How can a healthcare provider get the word out about the services they provide to people that are most likely to be responsive? Out-of-home advertising has proven to be an effective way for healthcare providers to reach their core community, inspire people to take action, and drive both online and social media engagement.

Click here to see examples of our work.

Using Indoor Advertising for HIV Prevention Education

State programs have been ramping up advertising. Their health campaigns provide crucial messaging to raise awareness and promote preventable care for HIV. Many are including Indoor Advertising in their media mix, an engaging option that efficiently reaches the right audience.

Focused Targeting 

The LGBTQ community has the highest HIV transmission rate among any demographic group and is a priority for these programs. The CDC has found gay and bisexual men account for 70% of new HIV infections. Programs focus on steering the community to talk more opening about HIV. One in six gay and bisexual men living with HIV are unaware they have it. Many of the messages encourage prevention education, testing, treatment and directing to available resources.

Indoor Advertising - Poster

Multiple Touch Points

Indoor ads are a straightforward way to put the message directly in front of an audience. Government groups are working with AllOver Media to concentrate on cities, zip codes, and neighborhoods throughout the country. We assist with selecting well-known gay bars and restaurants utilizing indoor advertising and place multiple messages across the venue. Options include messaging on coasters, table tents at their seat and posters in the restroom. Indoor ads are introduced throughout their experience without being annoying.

Indoor Advertising - Coasters

In 2009, the CDC released the value of preventable care and the impact it has had on the community. Between 1991 – 2006, the medical cost savings from prevention is estimated at $129.9 billion including avoiding 361,878 new HIV infections. Continuous education will only help increase those numbers. To learn more information about preventable care, go to

Indoor Advertising - Poster