Gas stations make a great marketing opportunity for your business. Fuel is a necessity for consumers, especially in the U.S., as they rely on modes of transportation to get them from point A to point B, whether it’s for work, school, fun, or relaxation.
With nearly 40 million people filling their tanks in the U.S. on a daily basis, it’s wise to take advantage of marketing and gas station advertising opportunities that can help you expand your reach, cater to a wider audience, and grow your business.
Research shows that 44% of people who purchase fuel at a particular gas station also go inside the store to see what else they have to offer, and over 33% end up making another purchase of snacks or drinks after using the pump. This means that if you’re making moves to advertise your products and services at a gas station that stocks your goods, you may have a good chance of making sales.
Likewise, even if your brand name isn’t on the shelves at the gas station, there’s still an opportunity to reach more consumers who have an interest in what you have to offer.
Here are a few gas station advertising ideas to consider:
1. Showcase a Contest
Advertising at a gas station means you’re interested in their customers. If you want to encourage the gas station’s loyal customers to inquire about your brand, hold a contest and put your efforts on display in the gas station. Contests can be easy to plan around the holidays, upcoming events specific to your town, or a new product release.
You can even plan a contest or giveaway solely on creating brand awareness – this creates the perfect opportunity to expand your reach and cater to those who may not have seen your brand name otherwise.
You can have fun with this idea and present it however you like, but if you’re looking for guidance, consider the following ideas for quarterly contests:
- Encourage customers to purchase specific items as a way to get rid of inventory in exchange for a chance to win discounted products or services from your brand.
- Invite consumers to browse your social media, follow your accounts, and like your posts to win one of your products or services
These are just a few examples of the ways you can incentivize what your brand can offer. Creative signage with your social media handles and contact information makes it simple to get your name out there in a way that intrigues gas station visitors without asking them to commit to anything on the spot.

2. Market Your Social Media Presence on One Sheet Posters
Searching for gas station promotion ideas to increase your social media presence? Designing fun and straightforward sheet posters to hang at a gas station can be a simple and effective way to inform more people about your business.
With as many as 4.48 billion people on social media across the globe, it’s important to take advantage of the wide net of consumers who may be interested in your brand. In some cases, you may not even need to have a partnership or strong working relationship with a gas station to hang up your posters. However, if you want to meet customers, the best placement would be at gas station pumps or inside the convenience store. Make sure to discuss this opportunity with the gas station before making your tag posters and putting them on display.
3. Create Mini Ads for Gas Pump Tops
If you’re searching for a way to catch the consumer’s attention if they’re not searching for an advertisement, consider mini gas station ads at the top of the pump. Gas pump topper advertisements offer a subtle yet effective approach to getting your name out there without being too forceful.
It’s difficult for customers to avoid advertisements at the pump – placing ads at eye-level increases awareness about your products and services, whether they can browse your brand name inside the convenience store or travel nearby to find you. If you do happen to sell your goods within the store, gas pump ads can be that final teaser to encourage consumers to enter the store, even if they had zero intentions of doing so in the first place.
4. Work with AllOver Media for Your OOH Advertising Needs
Gas station marketing, no matter where you put it on display, is likely to get noticed. It’s all about finding the right gas advertisement options that encourage customers to inquire within or take the next step to learn more about your brand.
If you’re looking for creative ways to reach your target audience and get them to buy your products or services when they’re visiting a gas station, AllOver Media can help.
Gas pump advertisements offer a simple way to engage with customers that may not be aware of your brand, ultimately expanding your reach and creating brand awareness for consumers who can turn into potential customers.
With visually appealing, well-placed out-of-home advertisements, you can take advantage of meeting your customers in a creative way that intrigues them to learn more about what you have to offer.
Looking for some help with gas station advertising? See what AllOver Media can do for you! Request more information today to start planning your gas pump topper advertising campaign.