Ice is Nice – Unexpected C-Store Opportunities

As we welcome the hot summer months ahead, many customers are eager to head up north to their cabins or lake houses to spend every free moment basking outdoors in the fresh air. But there’s one stop they’ll have to make before they get there. 

Ice box advertising for the Minnesota Wild hockey team.

Convenience stores offer prime real estate for advertising your products and services to customers across the state and region. And as more businesses begin to reopen post COVID-19 shutdown, and more people are able to get outside and explore local areas, now is the perfect time to launch an effective marketing campaign that targets customers on the move! 

An alternative to Out of Home (OOH) advertising, convenience-store ad campaigns are all about bringing your brand messaging to a larger demographic of customers. In a previous post, we focused on the benefits of c-store advertising for your business, but this time, we wanted to share some unique strategies to help make your brand stand out and attract the right attention!

Unique OOH Advertising Ideas

This summer, customers will be attending smaller gatherings of barbeques, fishing at nearby lakes, and heading to their family cabins for the weekend. And while they make these plans, the summer heat will continue to climb, meaning they’ll need to grab a few bags of ice along the way. 

Ice Box Advertising wraps around the exterior of the refrigerated container, which sits strategically in front of the store’s main entrance. So, when customers enter or exit the store, grab their ice, etc., they’ll see your new product launch or promotional sale multiple times, increasing brand impressions. 

Ready to Try Something Unexpected? There’s more to ice box advertising than just displaying a banner. With such an open and large space to advertise your brand, there’s a lot of flexibility and customization you’ll want to consider. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  • Create a bold statement with your campaigns using memorable 3-D graphics, icons, or images that wrap smoothly around the ice box’s surface. This adds a surprising element that customers can’t help but notice and lean into for a closer look. 
  • Enhance your c-store advertising campaign with brighter colors, simple calls to action, and clear hierarchy. For instance, consider what the most important information on the ice box should be: your name, your logo, your promotion, or your image? Place items in order of importance so that you don’t have conflicting images or graphics competing for the customers’ attention. 
  • Incorporate unique designs or include typography along the edges of the ice box to create an interesting contrast. For instance, the ice box will likely contain two windows on each side for customers to open and retrieve their ice before closing shut. Use these compartments and angles to your advantage with creative design that still align with your brand messaging but also provide a unique perspective that customers aren’t used to seeing. 
Ice box advertising business

Plan Your C-Store Marketing Advertising with AllOver Media

Melt the competition this summer with effective OOH advertising from AllOver Media. Our team will help you expand your marketing efforts to the right locations, so you reach your target audience where they live, work, and play. 

To learn more about the benefits of ice box advertising or to find ideas on other c-store marketing strategies, contact us today.