Wind Creek Casino
In December 2015, Creek Casino Montgomery opened its doors as the newly renovated Wind Creek Casino & Hotel Montgomery. Using the casino’s new blues theme, a unique OOH campaign was created showcasing Wind Creek Montgomery as the entertainment destination in Central Alabama.

Create awareness for the casino grand opening, increase repeat visits through loyalty memberships, and grow revenue.

Deliver an attention grabbing campaign that reaches potential casino visitors multiple times per month in key markets and along frequently used travel routes.

Wind Creek Casino developed a gas station domination along the interstate route from six primary markets using gas station pump top and ice box ads. Ad designs integrated their message with our platforms. Ice boxes blared “The Game’s Never Been This Cool” while consumers grabbed ice, and pump top ads cleverly invited people to “Pump Up Your Night” as they filled up their car.

The Results
Increase in new loyalty memberships
Increased revenue over previous year intended markets