Fuel Up Your Gas Pump Ads

Gas pump ads for hot sauce.

As temperatures continue to dip and Frank Sinatra starts crooning on the radio, that can only mean one thing: the holidays are approaching fast. Now, with everyone desperate for a change of scenery, an increase in travel is expected. 

More people hitting the road (and inevitably stopping for gas) means there’s no better time to utilize gas station advertising. Trust AllOver Media to get your ads noticed!

Why Gas Pump Advertising is So Effective 

The average person stops at a gas station 5-7 times a month, and with holiday road trips on the horizon, that number is bound to increase. By targeting consumers with a gas pump ad, you have a unique opportunity to reach them in a “distraction free zone”, where they don’t have much to do besides pay attention to the advertisements on the gas pump or nozzle. 

By reaching your audience when they’re less distracted, you have a higher chance of sticking in their minds once their tank is full.

Gas Pump Toppers

These types of signs sit on top of the gas pump, strategically placed at eye level. By investing in a bold image situated in a highly visible area, you have the unique opportunity to catch the eye of whoever is tasked with filling up the tank, which can take anywhere from 2-3 undistracted minutes

Plus, these gas pump advertisements bring the customer straight to your messaging, which means it’s less invasive than other ad campaigns. 

Gas Nozzle Advertisements 

You’ve probably noticed these advertisements placed right on the gas nozzle when you’ve filled up your own tank. In addition to being placed in an ideal spot for an undistracted consumer to take in, this placement can generate 116,000 impressions per month per gas station. 

That’s a lot of eyes on your unique messaging! 

Proximity to Home/Work

Most people visit gas stations that are 1-2 miles from their home or workplace (although these days that might be the same place!) This will help you target your audience with even higher accuracy, helping you put the ideal messaging in front of your intended demographic. 

Gas pump advertisements are ideal if you’re looking to pack a better punch without taking a big hit to your wallet. Whether you choose to place your advertisement on top of the gas pump, or on the gas nozzle, these gems are a cost-effective way to place your product right in the eye of the consumer. 

Get Connected with AllOver Media

Ready to start enjoying the benefits of gas pump advertisements? Great! Contact us at AllOver Media and let’s get your product, service, or message to your customers.