2021 Out of Home Advertising Goals

Pink calendar for 2021

With a new year on the horizon, it’s time to plan for advertising in 2021. According to a recent study, Out of Home (OOH) ad spending is set to grow by 8.5% in 2020. This is the biggest leap in over a decade! 

At AllOver Media, we’re sharing what we consider the top 5 new OOH ad trends you need to know about to help efficiently grow your marketing campaign and connect with more customers in 2021. 

Stay Focused

Gone are the days when companies would cast a wide net, cross their fingers, and hope to reach their target audiences. Due to an increase in data analysis, it’s easy to get deeper insights into “who” specifically responds most to your out of home advertisements. 

More analysis—both retrospective and predictive—means you can focus on customers who are more likely to engage with your brand. This type of efficiency is great news for both your budgets and marketers, as you begin a targeted strategy to attract your ideal audience!  

The Rise of AI 

Who is most likely to help with this increase in data and analysis? You guessed it. With AI on the rise, algorithms are able to predict traffic patterns and purchasing behavior. Because AI is remarkably proficient at relationship-building with customers, your marketing will be even more memorable for the consumer, which in turn will lead to a deeper connection to your brand and more engagement in what you have to offer. 

It’s All about Branding 

In 2021, branding will be everything. And keeping your branding consistent across multiple channels and ad platforms will help create a more cohesive experience for customers. Consumers across the board crave a unique experience when shopping, and by using a thoughtful and layered out of home marketing approach, you can give them what they’re looking for.

Don’t Forget about Digital Billboards

The time is now to invest in digital billboards so you can engage with more customers in 2021. In recent years, OOH digital billboards have increased by 43%. Not only do digital billboards give you an advantage over more traditional models, but by analyzing data from connected cars, they also provide an avalanche of data you can use to target your target audience (see point 1!). We think this is a bandwagon well worth jumping on! 


In 2021, experts are anticipating an increase of storytelling in OOH advertisements. Traditionally, ad storylines utilize a central, relatable character with a problem or wish, and pair that with the featured brand saving the day. 

Compelling and authentic storylines stick in a consumer’s mind and help them retain information about your product, good, or service! Just be sure to generate creative ideas, as a consumer can spot a manufactured story easily and won’t engage as deeply with something they feel is forced or inauthentic. 

Plan Your Marketing Campaign with AllOver Media

The year 2021 is just around the corner, so if you want to get your advertising campaigns spruced up and ready to roll out, it’s time to get some support from the experts in OOH ads. 

Let our team at AllOver Media help you get ahead of the curve and start the New Year off right with your out of home advertising goals!